
Thank You LES!


On behalf of the men and women (especially myself) of the 189th Transportation Company we sincerely thank you for your generous gift!

The majority of the people in my unit are made up from cities all around Nebraska, mainly Wayne and Norfolk but also as far as California. Most have never heard of Lincoln Electric System, but I can assure you they will never forget your generosity now. I've done my part to ensure they know what good people I work with back home.

I personally would like to thank each one of you for your thoughts and prayers. I watched the included video Aaron and Troy took and it sure felt like I was back home. Thanks guys for taking the time to do that!

Well I better get to eating... haha. Can't wait to see you all again!


Blogger Unknown said...

I kinda know your brother, Spencer. I only know him from NE Truck Enthusiasts. But he seems like a good fella =)

We (the NTE guys) are going to get a pool togather for a care package to send. Let your brother know what you need, we will get it to ya.

By the way. I am behind you, ALL of you, over there. Everyone is. Keep up the great work, and stay safe.

-Kurt Fossen aka: Fifth Circle

12/15/2005 4:51 AM  

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