
Iraqi Bunker

This is me in one of the many Iraqi military above ground bunkers located on base. In the pictures it looks as if its lighted but thats just because of the flash on my camera, in reality it was pitch black and we had to find our way through the maze of trap doors, many rooms. In fact, when we went into one of the trap doors located in the bathroom shower, we found this little hallway with what looks like a bomb but its a fuel pod I believe. The hall then leads to a whole other set of rooms and more trap doors.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That looks pritty scarry!
Do you have to go off base alot?
Finished my Christmas shopping yesterday, so now I have to start baking.
Gabe comes home 19 Dec, so anxious to have him home.
Going with you mom to Colorado this weekend for Sharon's birthday so it will be fun.
Take Care

12/09/2005 7:10 PM  

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