
Living Conditions @ Ft. Riley

As you can expect, living in Ft. Riley is a little different then being at home. My room here consists of two bunk beds, two large field lockers, four small field lockers, and a desk. The room is about 10 feet by 12 feet, and there are four of us that live in it. It can be quite a challenge to create what little personal space you can have.

Here is the outside of our barracks, looks pretty standard military.

To the left is my field locker, I got one of the big ones because I have a lot of junk! The flag was hung on the door by my roomate and you can see I was working on my computer that is sitting on the desk.

The bottom bunk here is mine, I try to keep my area pretty clean and organized since there isn't a lot of it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope everything is going well as can be. Got to see your mom and spencer at Nicole's house warming I was glad they made it.
We are leaving for Colorado today to go 4 wheeling in the mountains so I am excited to go.
Talk to you later!

9/17/2005 6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J.R.- I like what you've done with the place. I can see Tara has had a positive influence on your decorating skills! :)

Julie T

9/19/2005 1:31 AM  

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