
Army Pay

My LES (Leave and Earnings Statement), was published today. Every soldier in the Army goes to a website called MyPay to check if they have got paid. It's a pretty nice tool. Here's what my LES has on it:

Basic Pay - $978.90 (Base Salary)
Subsistence Allowance - $133.59 (Allowance for Food, etc)
BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing) - $304.00 (Allowance for Living Expenses), you must have a mortgage or rental agreement to get this.

While in country I still pay taxes, when I'm overseas I won't.

Federal Income Tax - ($103.26)
FICA Tax - ($74.89)
State Income Tax - ($36.30)

Which results in Net Pay of $1,202.04


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try and not spend it all at once, OK???

9/23/2005 8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I See you got a RAISE considering the pittance that LES (Lincoln Electric System) paid you! ; )

9/30/2005 12:20 AM  

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