
Trip to Qatar

On the 10th I left for a four-day pass to Doha, Qatar to relax! - you might have heard about Doha when the war first started. It was the location for US Central Command and a staging ground for the reporters before moving into Iraq. Here are some pictures from the trip.
One of the days I spent the afternoon taking a cruise on this boat. It was pretty neat to go out into the Persian Gulf.
Here is a picture of me taking a dip to cool off. The Gulf water is very salty, after you got out you could run your fingers through your hair and then see the grains of salt on your hand.
Here is the lunch they cooked for us right on the boat, It was very good. Especially the lamb kabobs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the photo's, glad you got to do something fun!
Got your check for wedding pics, I am glad you want us to do them, we are looking forward to your wedding. Gabe wants to come home for it too so I hope he will get to.
Talk to you later,

8/16/2006 1:44 AM  
Blogger Adam Clarke said...

Man JR,
I'm not sure if its the salt from the gulf collecting on your torso or if you're just that white.

8/22/2006 4:17 PM  

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