

At 2:30am this morning we woke up and prepared to depart Ft. Riley. Even though our flight wasn't until 1pm, we had a lot to do. We had to check out our weapons from the Armory, clean our rooms out, and get our baggage ready to go. Here's a pic of someone trying to stuff their bag into the wood box which we had to do to make sure our carry-on items weren't too big. At least they let us take a backpack and a laptop as our carry-ons.
This next pic is of our manifest holding area. Basically after checking in and making sure everyone has everything, we are quarantined to this room until we load the bus to go to the airport. It wasn't bad, some organization had food and drinks for us while we waited. We spent a good two hours waiting around.
This was me in front of a flag in the manifest area. It's probably the biggest one I've ever seen.


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