
SRP - Day 1

What is SRP? SRP stands for 'Special Review Procedure', which basically is a process in which you make sure you are ready for deployment.

Today was Day 1 of the SRP process for me. I had to be a Penterman Armory, located at the Lincoln Air Base at 8 AM.

This was the first time meeting with my unit, the people I would be deployed with. I was surprised to find out my commander was actually a lieutenant in my old unit. He's a great leader, I have the utmost confidence in his ability to watch over the unit and keep us safe.

Day 1 of the SRP consisted of a lot of things I wasn't told over the phone. For example, We needed to bring ALL of our military gear in for inspection. Had I known this, I would of had my gear with me, however since I didn't I ran home and quickly gathered everything up. This whole process consumed much of the first day, I got done about 1 PM with getting my gear checked out and my gas mask tested for fit and leaks.

After 1 PM, I was bored out of my mind. I tried to catch a little sleep and played some exciting games of solitaire on my phone. We were finally released at about 7 pm, which was good because my cousin Joe, his wife Tiff and their adorable baby Mya were in town from Colorado and I really wanted to see them before I left for Iraq.


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