Tara's Birthday
One of the events I had to plan for when scheduling my leave was Tara's Birthday - It was very nice to be able to celebrate it with her. Here's a picture of the Birthday girl!
Can you guess her age?
4.30.2006Tara's Birthday
One of the events I had to plan for when scheduling my leave was Tara's Birthday - It was very nice to be able to celebrate it with her. Here's a picture of the Birthday girl!
Can you guess her age? 4.24.2006Heading Home for a Break!
Here are a few pictures of our travel home on leave. Besides myself, three other soldiers traveled with me. We flew from Iraq to Kuwait, then from Kuwait to Ireland, then from Ireland to Dallas. The flight was a killer, took about 15-16 hours to get completely home.
![]() ![]() 4.21.2006Command Inspection
For the past week the unit has been preparing for the Battalion (Our Higher Headquarters) Command Inspection (CI).
I am the person responsible for all things S1 related. We had our out-briefing today with the Battalion Commander (BC). The BC was shown a slideshow presentation of the results of the inspection. I scored a perfect 930/930 points on the inspection for a 100% Commendable Rating. 4.16.2006Happy Easter!
Happy Easter! Today pretty much everyone has the day off unless there is something mission critical that needs to be done. This morning I got up at 0530 and went to UR. We had Catholic mass out there at Abraham's house. On this area there is basically a whole underground city that the local nationals are uncovering. For those of you that don't know, Abraham was the first person to be contacted by God after Adam and Eve. This area near our base is very sacred to many religions other than Catholic. Here are some pictures:
![]() This is the priest (which is also an Army Chaplain) in the far background sits the Ziggurat of UR, in the immediate background, is one of the walls of Abraham's house, the majority of the structure is still underground. 4.07.2006My Room
I thought I'd share some pictures of my room, the room size I'd guess is about 12x12, its not as bad as you might think - the lack of privacy might be more annoying to some than the space. But I'm lucky enough to have a good roommate so I don't have any problems.
![]() ![]() ![]() 4.06.2006Rain Rain Hail - Again.
Today it rained and hailed, I took some video with my camera. You can see it here ----> http://jrbrown.net/Documents/CIMG0345.AVI