Rain Rain Rain
All week its suppose to rain and it started about 4am when I was sleeping. You might be thinking, what's the big deal - well we live in basically a metal trailer so when it rains you feel like you are inside of a tin can. It rained quite a bit, don't know how much, but as you can see from the picture even a little rain can cause some flooding since there isn't a storm water system except for a few ditches dug to direct the water.
Here's the weather outlook for the rest of the week here:
Dust Storm
Today was a dusty one. We had a dust storm blow through, by the late afternoon it was over but I have a feeling we will have more bad weather approaching. I took this picture driving from my office to the Ops Center.
Thank You Ferdicos!
Chris, Heather, and Josh - Thank you so much for the package. It was no surprise to find you knew exactly what to pack! I appreciate your kindness. Chris, Thank you for your service to our country.
Director of Army National Guard
Today I listened to and met Lieutenant General Vaughn, the Director of the Army National Guard. He came to talk to a few of us about changes happening in the Guard in terms of recruiting, benefits, and deployments.
Lincoln Journal Star's Celebrate
Company Sign
 Our battalion tasked us with creating a sign to represent the company at the battalion headquarters. I can't show you our competition because of operational security, but I can show you ours. (PS - I didn't do too much work on it so I won't take the credit!)
Happy New Years!
We had a pretty good New Year's Eve. My buddy that lives next door got some steaks from one of the locals on base and we decided to cook that up. You might wonder, how safe is this meat to eat? Well, safe has become a relative term over here and when you are talking about real steak and not the soy meat they serve in the chow hall, you can't beat it. We still aren't sure if its beef, goat, or camel, but it was pretty dang good. 

J.R. Brown (e-mail)
Sergeant E-5
189th Transportation Company
Diesel Driven, Hell Haulin, Dogs
Headquarters Platoon
Nebraska Army National Guard
Mailing Address:
SGT John R. Brown
189th Transportation Comapany, HQ
APO AE 09331
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